Jacobs, Wei, & Xiaoyang will present at ACS Washington D.C.

Jacobs’, Wei’s & Xiaoyang’s papers were selected for presentations at the 254nd ACS National Meeting in Washington D.C. All three will present in the Organic Division in the themed symposium Molecular Recognition and Self-Assembly.

Jacobs was selected for an oral presentation for his abstract titled Reverse Hofmeister Effects in Synthetic Hosts Jacobs’ poster Water-soluble cavitands: applications in anion recognition and protein inhibition was selected for the Academic Employment Initiative as part of Sci-Mix. Congratulations Jacobs!

Xiaoyang’s abstract titled Supramolecular Catalyst for Halogenation Reaction was selected for a poster presentation and for Sci-Mix! Way to go Xiaoyang!

Wei’s poster is titled Hydrated anions binding within the water-soluble hosts
