Jacobs publishers paper in collaboration with the Grayson Group

Jacobs publishes paper Investigation of Lysine-Functionalized Dendrimers as Dichlorvos Detoxification Agents in BioMacromolecules (impact factor 5.75). Jacobs contributed flash chromatography method development and DLS measurements for the paper published in the Grayson Group.

Investigation of Lysine-Functionalized Dendrimers as Dichlorvos Detoxification Agents, Durán-Lara, E.F.; Marple, J.M.; Giesen, J.A.; Fang, Y.; Jordan, J.H.; Godbey, W.T.; Marican, A.; Santos L.S. Grayson, S.M., Biomacromolecules2015 DOI:10.1021/acs.biomac.5b00657

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