Paolo Suating

PhD, Tulane University, 2022; Department of Chemistry, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas

Paolo Suating

PhD, Tulane University, 2022; Department of Chemistry, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas

Paolo was born and raised in Manila, Philippines, where he did two years of undergraduate work in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Santo Tomas. He emigrated to the US in 2008 and had a brief stint as a certified pharmacy technician. He continued his studies in the fall of 2013 at Northern Illinois University where he did research in the laboratories of Marc Adler studying organosilicon chemistry. He received his BS in chemistry in August 2016, after which he started graduate work at Tulane University.

His research interests include synthetic methodology, supramolecular chemistry, and organometallic chemistry. Ultimately his goal after graduate school is to teach and do further research at the university level and to be a mentor to young minds.

He is known in the group and to most of his students as a “fountain of absolutely useless information”.

In April 2022 he defended his dissertation entitled “Wading through the spectrum of wetness: Tailored solvation of weakly hydrated pockets”, and graduated with a PhD in May 2022. As of Fall 2022 he is a post-doctoral fellow in the Urbach Group at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.



08, Suating, P.; Ernst, N.E.; Alagbe, B.D.; Skinner, H.A.; Mague, J.T.; Ashbaugh, H.S.; Gibb, B.C. On the Nature of Guest Complexation in Water: Triggered Wetting-Water-Mediated Binding, J. Phys. Chem. B2022126 (16), 3150–3160. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c00628

07, Ashbaugh, H.S.; Gibb, B.C.; Suating, P. Cavitand Complexes in Aqueous Solution: Collaborative Experimental and Computational Studies of the Wetting, Assembly, and Function of Nanoscopic Bowls in Water, J. Phys. Chem. B2021125 (13), 3253–3268. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c11017

06, Suating, P.; Nguyen, T.T.; Ernst, N.E.; Wang, Y.; Jordan, J.H.; Gibb, C.L.D.; Ashbaugh, H.S.; Gibb, B.C. Proximal charge effects on guest binding to a non-polar pocket, Chem. Sci.202011 (14), 3656–3663. DOI: 10.1039/c9sc06268h

05, Kumar, R.; Sharma, A.; Singh, H.; Suating, P.; Kim, H.S.; Sunwoo, K.; Shim, I.; Gibb, B.C.; Kim, J.S. Revisiting Fluorescent Calixarenes: From Molecular Sensors to Smart Materials, Chem. Rev.2019119 (16), 9657–9721. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.8b00605

04, Varjosaari, S.E.; Skrypai, V.; Suating, P.; Hurley, J.J.M.; DeLio, A.M.; Gilbert, T.M.; Adler, M.J. Simple Metal-Free Direct Reductive Amination Using Hydrosilatrane to Form Secondary and Tertiary Amines, Adv. Synth. Catal.2017359, 1872–1878. DOI: 10.1002/adsc.201700079

03, Varjosaari, S.E.; Skrypai, V.; Suating, P.; Hurley, J.J.M.; Gilbert, T.M.; Adler, M.J. 1-Hydrosilatrane: A Locomotive for Efficient Ketone Reductions, Eur. J. Org. Chem.2017, 229–232. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201601256

02, Varjosaari, S.E.; Suating, P.; Adler, M.J. One-Pot Synthesis of O-Aryl Carbamates, Synthesis201648, 43–47. DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1560726

01, Varjosaari, S.E.; Hess, J.P.; Suating, P.; Price, J.M.; Gilbert, T.M.; Adler, M.J. Stereoelectronics of Silyloxybenzoic Acids, Tetrahedron Lett.201556(4), 642–645. DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.12.013

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