Kaiya Wang

PhD, Tulane University, 2017

Kaiya Wang

PhD, Tulane University, 2017

Kaiya Wang is from Jiangsu, China. He entered Jiangsu University with a major in Applied Chemistry and obtained his B.S. in June 2012. He entered Tulane University in fall 2012, immediately choosing to join the Gibb group. In his doctorate-oriented study, his research is emphasized on 1) Approaches to the kinetic resolution of cis/trans fatty acid esters, and, 2) Selective reactions and novel chemical phenomena within water-soluble nano-scale vessels.

Research Interests:
1) Approaches to the kinetic resolution of cis/trans fatty acid esters
2) Selective reactions and novel chemical phenomena within water-soluble nano-scale vessels

3) Mapping the Binding Motifs of Deprotonated Monounsaturated Fatty Acids and their Corresponding Esters within Supramolecular Capsules. Wang, K.; Gibb, B. C., J. Org. Chem.2017, Accepted. DOI 10.1021/acs.joc.7b00264
2) ITC and NMR analysis of the encapsulation of fatty acids within a water-soluble cavitand and its dimeric capsule. Wang, K.; Sokkalingam, P.; Gibb, B. C., Supramolecular Chemistry 2016, 28 (1-2), 84-90.
1) A core-shell silica nanosphere for the off-on chemosensor of iron(III) ions and the targeted probe for optical imaging on HeLa cells. Tao, G.-P.; Chen, Q.-Y.; Yang, X.; Wang, K.-Y., Dyes and Pigments 2012, 95 (2), 338-343.