Jacobs, Kaiya, and Ryan present posters at SWRM in Waco, TX

acobs, Kaiya and Ryan present posters at the 69th SWRM conference in Waco, TX.

Jacobs’ poster titled “Protein inhibition by a deep-cavity cavitands: potential helicase inhibitors” discusses developments in the binding and inhibition of sv40-LTAg by octa-acid.

Ryan’s poster titled “NMR Analysis of Anion Binding to a Hydrophobic Concavity and its Implications for the Hofmeister Effect” aptly discusses the anion binding as part of the Hofmeister project.

Kaiya’s Poster titled “Towards Kinetic Resolutions of Cis- and Trans-Fatty Acid Methyl Esters via Compartmentalization” discusses the ability of deep-cavity cavitands to distinguish structurally related constitutional isomers in aqueous media.